Manual: Scripting

Topic content ranging from basic Lua, the Script Editor through to complex game systems created with Lua classes and how to expand your editor with the use of Editor side scripting. Learn how to communicate with another script and make calls to a visual module.

Scripting Overview

Introduction to scripting in Skyline, look at the various scripting types available.

Scripting Overview

Micro Script

The micro script is directly attached to the object and stored when the object is saved in the scene or saved as a preset. We will look at how and why to use this script type.

Micro Script

External Script

This script resides on your hard drive and can be referenced by any object from any scene.

External Script

Scene Script

This script is a run time script which can be used to run a full game such as space invaders or manage a game level.

Scene Script


Skyline is an event driven system and as so provides many event messages for you to use to communicate with other objects or to know what controls your end user is pressing


Tags and IDs

Skylines game objects behave like self-contained programs and each objects program may need to communicate with another object. This is done by using identifiers.

Tags and IDs

Communicating with Scripts

How to send and receive data between different scripts.

Communicating with Scripts

Communicating with Modules

How to send and receive data between Lua and a Visual Module Graph.

Communicating with Modules

Communication with Actions

The Dynamic properties provides you with a powerful interface for rapidly customizing your script at editor or run time.

Communication with Actions

Dynamic Properties

The Dynamic properties provides you with a powerful interface for rapidly customizing your script at editor or run time.

Dynamic Properties