====== Animation Mapper ======
To make characters work from shared scripts or example scripts we set up an **Animation Mapper.** As each character may have different names for the various animations such as //“Walking”, “Standing_Idle” etc// keeping a track of these many variations would be way too much. In scripts we just use a single name such as //“Walk”,”Idle1”//. This is all made easy by using the animation mapper.\\
====1) Entity Properties====
For our basic character we are going to need a walk, run and jump animation. With the character selected, open the entity properties, this is where all the low level parameters live.\\
====2) Locate the mapper====
To setup our animations we need to use the animation mapping editor. In the properties look for the **"Animation"** section and inside this section locate the **“Anim Mapper”** button, click it! \\
====3) Animation Mapper Editor====
An editor will open looking like the following image. Use the right hand side scroll bar to browse all available animation entries.\\
====4) Enter Your Animation Names====
**Scroll down** and look for the entry for** “Idle1”** and use the right hand columns drop down menu to select your characters **“idle”** animation.\\
====5) Rinse and Repeat ====
Do the same for **Walk** and **Run**, locate the entry and respectively change to your characters animation name as we just did for the "Idle1"\\
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